About our Law & Policy Lab
The Law & Policy Lab includes a number of graduate research assistants and undergraduate students who help keep our lab running smoothly.
Meet Our People
Current Students
Former Students
Lindsey E. Wylie JD, PhD
Lindsey Wylie is a 2015 graduate of the law-psychology program and is currently employed at the National Center for State Courts and teaches at UNL and UNO.
Leroy Scott JD, PhD
Leroy Scott is a 2016 graduate of the law-psychology program and is a licensed attorney practicing in the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area.
Lori Hoetger JD, PhD
Lori Hoetger is a 2018 graduate of the law-psychology program and currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Nebraska College of Law.
Katherine Hazen JD, PhD
Katherine is a 2021 graduate of the law-psychology program and is now an Assistant Research Professor at Northeastern University.
Are you an undergraduate interested in joining our lab as a research assistant?
Apply to work with us! Click on the link below to fill out an application and follow the instructions provided.

About Eve
My J.D. and Ph.D. are from Nebraska. After graduating from Jacksonville University in Jacksonville, Florida (as Eve Leonard), I came to graduate/law school at UNL. Five years later I was back in Florida teaching at the University of Florida. Now I'm back in Lincoln. Although I went to high school (Go WNHS Warriors!) and college (Go JU Dolphins!) in Florida, I think of Lincoln as my hometown. When I'm not working I enjoy running, sewing, reading, and listening to the greatest singer/songwriter of all time (Jimmy Buffett).