Emma Marshall

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Emma Marshall

Graduate Teaching Asst Psychology University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Emma Marshall is a graduate student in the dual JD/Ph.D. Law-Psychology and Social Cognitive Program. She received her BA in Psychology from Pomona College in 2014. .

Her primary research interests are in the intersection of the Fourth Amendment, Technology, and Legal Decision-Making.

Emma current serves as the student web editor for the American Psychology and Law Society She previously served as the Chair of the AP-LS Student Committee.

When she is not thinking about graduate school, Emma enjoys playing board games, watching Nationals baseball, and is a proud member of Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo

Emma finished her first marathon in the summer of 2018 in what can only be described as a blatantly-transparent effort to endear herself to the rest of the Brank Lab based on their shared affinity for running long-distances.